This lump defined colors for ui elements such as text and boxes. There is one record for each master palette in PALETTES.BIN. The size of a record is stored in BINSIZE.BIN.
Starting with version 2014-05-28, this lump was replaced with the uicolors node inside general.reld. This lump still exists for backwards compatibility, but will not have any new colors or box styles added to it in the future. Those will be added to general.reld instead.
More detailed descriptions of each UI color is available on the User-Interface Colors and Box Styles pages.
Offset | Data | CONST | Meaning |
0 | INT | uiBackground | background colour |
1 | INT | uiMenuItem | normal menu item |
2 | INT | uiDisabledItem | disabled menu item |
3-4 | INT | uiSelectedItem | selection, alternates 3 & 4 |
5-6 | INT | uiSelectedDisabled | selected disabled item, 5 & 6 |
7 | INT | uiHighlight | background to selected menu item |
8 | INT | uiHighlight2 | background used in equip menu |
9 | INT | uiTimeBar | hero's time bar |
10 | INT | uiTimeBarFull | time bar when full |
11 | INT | uiHealthBar | hero's health bar |
12 | INT | uiHealthBarFlash | health bar flash colour, when current hp is greater than maximum |
13 | INT | uiText | Default text colour |
14 | INT | uiOutline | Text outline colour |
15 | INT | uiDescription | Spell description |
16 | INT | uiGold | Total cash |
17 | INT | uiShadow | Vehicle shadow |
18-47 | INT | uiTextBox | 15 * Text box styles, 2 ints (background & edge) |
48-62 | INT | uiTextBoxFrame | 15 * Graphical text box frame sprite ID+1 or zero for none |
ARCHINYM.LMP . ATTACK.BIN . BINSIZE.BIN . BROWSE.TXT . DEFPAL#.BIN . DEFPASS.BIN . distrib.reld . FIXBITS.BIN . heroes.reld . heroform.reld . LOOKUP1.BIN . MENUS.BIN . MENUITEM.BIN . PALETTES.BIN . PLOTSCR.LST . SFXDATA.BIN . slicetree_#_#.reld . SLICELOOKUP.TXT . SONGDATA.BIN . UICOLORS.BIN . GEN . general.reld . BAM . Map Format . T . P . E . D . L . N . Z . DOR . DOX . DT0 . DT1 . DT6 . EFS . FOR . FNT . HSP . HSZ . ITM . MAP . MAS . MN . MXS . PAL . PT0 . PT1 . PT2 . PT3 . PT4 . PT5 . PT6 . PT7 . PT8 . SAY . SHO . SNG . STF . STT . TAP . TIL . TMN . VEH