gameconfig.ini is a text file stored in settings_dir/<gamename> which contains remembered configuration settings for a game. Each line is a separate setting and takes the form key = value, where whitespace is ignored. Lines in the file that aren't recognised (such as comments but also unrecognised key=value lines) will be ignored and preserved by the engine when modifying the file.
The persist.reld RELOAD document is saved alongside gameconfig.ini and is a better place to store more complex structured data.
- gfx.margin: Remembers the value of the TV safe margins option in the main menu. Integer, interpreted as a percentage. Only used on consoles.
- gfx.fullscreen: Remembers the last fullscreen/windowed state of the game. If nonzero, start the game in fullscreen. If missing, use the default specified in the editor.
ARCHINYM.LMP . ATTACK.BIN . BINSIZE.BIN . BROWSE.TXT . DEFPAL#.BIN . DEFPASS.BIN . distrib.reld . FIXBITS.BIN . heroes.reld . heroform.reld . LOOKUP1.BIN . MENUS.BIN . MENUITEM.BIN . PALETTES.BIN . PLOTSCR.LST . SFXDATA.BIN . slicetree_#_#.reld . SLICELOOKUP.TXT . SONGDATA.BIN . UICOLORS.BIN . GEN . general.reld . BAM . Map Format . T . P . E . D . L . N . Z . DOR . DOX . DT0 . DT1 . DT6 . EFS . FOR . FNT . HSP . HSZ . ITM . MAP . MAS . MN . MXS . PAL . PT0 . PT1 . PT2 . PT3 . PT4 . PT5 . PT6 . PT7 . PT8 . SAY . SHO . SNG . STF . STT . TAP . TIL . TMN . VEH
RELOAD . RSAV . SAV . ohrkey . gameconfig.ini . persist.reld