This category contains articles that only apply to obsolete versions of the OHRRPGCE. You can always check the Timeline to get your bearings ;)
Pages in category "Obsolete"
The following 88 pages are in this category, out of 88 total.
- Can joystick calibration interfere with keyboard control? If so how can prevent it?
- Choosing which compiler to use
- Compiling in DOSBox
- Compiling in Mac OS X
- Compiling in Real DOS
- Compiling in Windows 9x
- Compiling in Windows XP
- Compiling on the OLPC XO Laptop
- Compiling the DOS version
- Custom usually freezes when importing music!
- Hamspeak
- Hamster Wrench
- How can I compile my plotscripts without using hssed.exe?
- How can I modify my midi file so that it can become a high quality bam file?
- How come you are making it for DOS? I thought DOS was dead
- How do I avoid script buffer overflows?
- How do I change the resources Windows assigns to my soundcard?
- How do I check that the OHRRPGCE has enough conventional memory to work correctly?
- How do I convert MIDI music into BAM music?
- How do I convert WAV or MP3 music to BAM music?
- How do I delete an account used to submit games to the Hamster Republic OHRRPGCE Game List?
- How do I get more Conventional DOS memory?
- How do I import and export tilesets?
- How do I misalign my NPCs and how can I take advantage ot it?
- How do I use MIDI2BAM to make BAM music?
- How do I use NOTATE.EXE to make BAM music?
- How do I use Stephanie's PC Piano to make BAM music?
- HS Importer
- HssEd
- What color-combos do the different textbox border colors use?
- What ever happened to the WARNING: this code is not for beginner programmers?
- What is a better language than QBasic to learn?
- What is the edit menu for and how do I make it active?
- When I upgraded to a newer version of the OHRRPGCE, my shops were all wrong! What happened?
- When is Sword of Jade coming out?
- When should I run RPGFIX.EXE?
- When will the show load menu command be implemented?
- Where are UNLUMP and the other utilities in the Linux version?
- Where can I find my own copy of QuickBasic?
- Where can I find Qbasic lessons?
- Why did you choose BAM music over other formats?
- Why did you choose QuickBasic over other languages to make the OHRRPGCE?
- Why do the colors on all of my pictures change when I change one palette?
- Why does BAM music sound worse than MIDI music?
- Why does nothing happen when I select the "Edit Menus" option?
- Why doesn't BAM music work on my computer?
- Why doesn't the set NPC Z command exist?
- Why not re-write completely the OHRRPGCE in Qbasic?
- Why not re-write/adapt the OHRRPGCE in Free Basic?
- Will there ever be sound effects?
- Will you ever make a Linux version? Macintosh? BeOS?
- Will you ever support MIDI music?