Playbam (also known as PLAYBAM.EXE) was one of the several BAM related tools included with the OHRRPGCE package. It was a DOS program which played directly using FM synthesis hardware.
The Past[edit]
You can still get it by downloading the last DOS OHRRPGCE release.
playbam.exe bamfile bamfile - the filename of the BAM file. It must end in .BAM. If you omit the extension, it will assume .BAM
If you can't hear anything while using this program, you probably are running Windows 2000/XP, correct? See this page: Why doesn't BAM music work on my computer?
The Replacement[edit]
However, any real FM synthesis on modern computers probably either doesn't work (due to lack of OS or hardware support) or will sound crappy (due to cheap hardware support). That's why I (Mike Caron) have written my own BAM playing utility, which (to avoid confusion) is also called Playbam.
playbam.exe bamfile bamfile - the filename of the BAM file. If you omit the extension, it will assume .BAM The file name does not need to end in .BAM
It can be downloaded at this URL: (Note: This is an external link, and Hamster Republic Productions does not assume repsonsibility for it. Mike Caron, however, does.)