This is a list of feature implementation plans.
Current Plans[edit]
Includes active plans, future plans, and speculative plans (the latter two of which are sometimes hard to tell apart)
- Plan for raising sprite frame limits (in-progress)
- Plan for animating enemies (part of above)
- Plan for 256 color sprites (part of above)
- Plan for bigger walkabouts (part of above)
- Plan for allowing other screen resolutions (in progress)
- Plan for customisable frame rates (in progress)
- Plan for hero sprite overlays
- Plan for implementing battlescripting (in progress)
- Plan for script multitasking (in progress)
- Plan for source file cleanup (permanently in-progress)
- Plan for battle formation improvements (in progress)
- Plan for saving NPC locations in savegames
- Plan for raising NPC-per-map limits (half done)
- Plan for attack balancing tool
- Plan for variables in battles
- Plan for textboxes in battles
- Plan for more flexible stats
- Plan for stat buffs
- Plan for enemy AI improvements
- Plan for non-tile-based walking
- Plan for an Editor Editor (in progress)
- Plan for improved spell learning
- Plan for customized experience-to-next-level (in progress)
- Plan for dynamic types in HamsterSpeak (in progress)
- Plan for a new library of script utility functions
- Plan for sane script error reporting (in progress)
- Plan for merging DT6 and ATTACK.BIN
- Plan for faster game loading and upgrading (in progress)
- Plan for shop improvements
- Plan for improved mouse support (in progress)
- Plan for improved joystick support
- Plan for improved items
- Plan for gfx_directx (in progress)
- Plan for per-vertex transformation (in progress)
- Plan for cleanup and control of fades (in progress)
- Plan for converting special screens to slices (in progress)
- Plan for converting battle display to slices (in progress)
- Plan for editing script snippets in Custom
- Plan for In-App-Purchase Support (in progress)
- Plan for text markup (in progress)
- Plan for full-inventory handling
- Plan for larger hero reserve
- Plan for network support
- Plan for saving more data in saved games
- Plan for save states
- Plan for text box file format change
Nearly-Finished Plans[edit]
- Android Port (in progress)
- Plan for debug/release script error reporting modes (just add more error checking)
- Plan for increasing item limit (mostly done)
- Plan for new save format (mostly done)
- Plan for more flexible elementals (almost done)
- Plan for improved attack chaining (mostly done?)
- Plan for input recording and playback
- Plan for new graphics rendering
- Plan for slice tree
- Plan for Distribution menu
Repetitive Plans[edit]
Plans That We Are Finished With[edit]
Listed here for proud posterity.
- Plan for increasing available tags
- Plan for default master palette replacement
- Plan for full UI color customization
- Plan for main menu customization
- Plan for spriteset import/export
- Plan for file format upgrade unification
- Plan for queueable attacks
- Plan for merging hero and NPC walkabout layers
- Plan for turn-based battles
- Plan for cleanup of stale temporary files
- Plan for platform-specific button names
- Plan for uicolors.bin box style cleanup (splitting colors and box styles)
Plans That We Gave Up On[edit]
Yeah, um... (mumble), so how 'bout that weather?
- Plan for real script arrays (obsolete, see Plan for dynamic types in HamsterSpeak instead)
- Plan for magic variables in HamsterSpeak (obsolete, details to be added to Plan for dynamic types in HamsterSpeak)
- Plan for new RPG format (canceled, some ideas live on in other plans, such as RELOAD)
- Plan for plotscripting plugins (canceled for cross-platform compatibility)