Plan for magic variables in HamsterSpeak
hamsterspeak is a very wordy language, so some fairly simple operations can look quite monsterous when typed out:
# add 5 to HP set hero stat(who, stat:hp, get hero stat(who, stat:hp))
Suppose we add syntax for creating magic variables. something like:
magic variable(hero hp(who), set hero stat(who, stat:hp, IN), get hero stat(who, OUT))
This would create "hero hp" which would be usable like this:
# Write hero hp(0) := 100 # Read show value(hero hp(0))
Or maybe Macros[edit]
Or another way of thinking about this is as macros.
getter macro(hero hp(who), get hero stat(who, stat:hp)) setter macro(hero hp(who):=n, set hero stat(who, stat:hp, n))
Somehow that syntax feels a little cleaner to me.