Plan for attack balancing tool

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Properly balancing battles can be difficult, especially since the formulas that the OHRRPGCE uses to calculate damage and accuracy are obscure.

We need to add a tool that can provide a preview of damage, and a tool that can provide a preview of dodge rate. These tools should be reachable from any of the attack editor, the hero stat editor, and the enemy stat editor (and possibly also the item stat bonus editor)

(Should this be a single tool, or two separate tools???)


The tools should accept the following parameters:

  • An attack ID
  • An attacker ID (either hero or enemy)
  • An optional hero level, if attacker is a hero
  • A target ID (either hero or enemy)
  • An optional hero level, if target is a hero

Depending on whether you called this tool from the attack editor or the hero editor or the enemy editor, the attack or attacker will be pre-filled. The other non-prefilled slots will remember the setting you were using last time you used the tool.

The tool will show the attack damage / hit success over and over again every few seconds, so the user can get an idea of the type of damage they can expect to see when playing the game.

A display of min/max/average damage could be shown. An estimate of hit percentage could be shown.

Although not important for basic functionality of the tool, a preview of attack animation could be added at some time in the future.

See Also[edit]