Topics related to Plotscripting belong in this category
See also Plot:Index and Example scripts
Pages in category "Plotscripting"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 212 total.
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- Can I use plotscripting to allow people to change my maps when playing my game?
- Can you modify a hero's stats, enemy's stats, money, etc. by a percentage rather than by a whole number with plotscripting?
- Can you modify experience outside of battle with plotscripting?
- Can you retrieve an enemy's attack IDs with plotscripting?
- Scripts:Cancel movement
- Coding Standards
- Eressoft's Free Script Package
- ERROR:in line 746 of plotscr.hsd define trigger,begin expected top-level declaration but found definetrigger. Why does this error occur?
- ERROR:In line X of dummyplotscripts.hss Song:I'll Wander the World. This isn't a variable, constant, or anything else. It exists in my hsi file, but it says it isn't. What should I do?
- Expected name but defineoperator block ended
- Expected number but found
- Expected top-level declaration but found
- Hamspeak
- Hamster Whisper
- Hamster Wrench
- HamsterSpeak Specification
- How can I allow the player to rename someone before they join their team?
- How can I allow the player to rename someone who never joins their team?
- How can I draw a circle of light around the hero?
- How can I make copies of NPCs do distinct things?
- How can I make copies of NPCs do the same thing?
- How can I make it so that an event will happen, when an NPC is pushed onto a certain tile?
- How can I make it so that an inn restores HP, but not MP?
- How can I run a script instead of/before/after the menu comes up?
- How can I set or remove animating maptiles with plotscripting?
- How do I add a timer?
- How do I add arguments to my script and how do I use them?
- How do I add screens before my title game screen?
- How do I advance a text box without pressing the space bar?
- How do I allow players to rename characters?
- How do I avoid script buffer overflows?
- How do I call one script directly from another script?
- How do I change a hero's walkabout and battle graphic set, whether the hero is in the party or not, and regardless of what slot the hero is in, using plotscripting?
- How do I change enemies' stats with plotscripting?
- How do I change the main hero during a cutscene so that the player can't notice it?
- How do I change the walkabout graphic set of an NPC using Plotscripting?
- How do I check if a save slot is already full?
- How do I check if there is already an .sav file using plotscripting?
- How do I check if there is already an npc on the map using plotscripting?
- How do I convert my scripts from old to new syntax?
- How do I destroy all the NPCs on a single map?
- How do I destroy more than one copy of an NPC at a time?
- How do I end the demo, 1rst version, 2nd version of my game?
- How do I end the game?
- How do I enter names through strings?
- How do I enter NPC references through strings?
- How do I get it to run a script when I level up a certain hero (me)?
- How do I get more control over the display of map names?
- How do I get rid of NPC misalignment?
- How do I give the screen little and/or big shake?
- How do I hide or show a map layer?
- How do I implement mouse input in my game?
- How do I import my scripts without launching custom.exe and then going in the script managment menu?
- How do I know I have to use more than one hss file?
- How do I level up my hero using plotscripting?
- How do I link plotscripts together?
- How do I link script files together?
- How do I make "fake" doors?
- How do I make a "backdrop point"?
- How do I make a "fake" movie using backdrops?
- How do I make a "vending machine?"
- How do I make a Bank where you can store money/items?
- How do I make a battle start when you bump into an NPC?
- How do I make a different song play when you ride a vehicle?
- How do I make a HS file?
- How do I make a HSI file?
- How do I make a HSS file?
- How do I make a merchant offer you discount on goods?
- How do I make a presentation for my save point or my restore point?
- How do I make a save slot load automatically instead of the load menu when the game launches?
- How do I make a shop that can be used only one, two or three times?
- How do I make a text box that automatically shows the name of the item that I set it to give?
- How do I make a text box using strings?
- How do I make a treasure chest that contains many items and/or more than $32767?
- How do I make an "enemy-repelling" item?
- How do I make an animated title screen?
- How do I make an escape item?
- How do I make an event happen when the player presses a key at a certain X and Y on a map?
- How do I make an item you have to be a certain level to use/equip?
- How do I make an NPC disappear after ending its plotscript by making it walk out of view?
- How do I make an NPC disappear when you talk to it but reappear when you leave and reenter the map?
- How do I make an NPC heal the hero?
- How do I make an NPC hurt the hero?
- How do I make an NPC or hero look like it's jumping?
- How do I make an NPC say something different later?
- How do I make an NPC that gives you hints all along the game?
- How do I make choices in a dialog box?
- How do I make emoticons?
- How do I make gradual fade in and fade out?
- How do I make heroes and npcs invisible?
- How do I make more than two choices in a text box using figures?
- How do I make my vehicle remember where I parked it?
- How do I make the screen scroll like a Zelda game?
- How do I make the screen scroll?
- How do I make the story continue after you die in battle?
- How do I misalign my NPCs and how can I take advantage ot it?
- How do I mix colors together?
- How do I move or reorder a map layer?
- How do I prevent a dead hero from reviving at the Inn?
- How do I prevent a hero in the reserve party from appearing in the team menu?
- How do I prevent an NPC from wandering far away from its start location?
- How do I prevent the player from popping up the menu?
- How do I prevent the screen from fading in too early?
- How do I read or write data in a saved game without loading that saved game?
- How do I rename heroes?
- How do I reset time?
- How do I restart my game after the player had lost?
- How do I restore my hero's stats during a plotscript?
- How do I run a plotscript after a battle?
- How do I run a plotscript before a battle?
- How do I script a wait that the player can skip by pressing a key?
- How do I start a cutscene after passing a door?
- How do I store several tags in a variable?
- How do I update shop items?
- How do I use plotscripts to make an NPC disappear permanently?
- How do I use scancodes?
- How do I write if statements with complex conditions (2 or 3 conditions)?
- How do I write strings?
- How does plotscripting work?
- How does script-debug mode work?
- How long is a game tick?
- HS Decompiler
- HS Importer
- HSpeak
- HssEd
- I can't compile my script because it says that I haven't defined a standard command!
- I can't read the HSPEAK error screen!
- I don't get plotscripting at all, and the tutorial is still too confusing for me. Can anyone explain how to do it?
- I get an error message about illegal wait substate
- I have made a script library. Who shall I ask to put it online?
- I made an Item that is supposed to permanently alter stats, but every time I use a recovery item it gets undone, why?
- I need to rename heroes but I don't want the player to see (or notice) something on the screenplay. How should I proceed?
- I still get "Script error! Failed to unlump (scriptid).hsx"; I used the right format for more than one script in a file.
- I've got a message that says expected top level declaration but found "archinym.lmp" when I compile. What does that mean?
- I've lost my scripts! How can I get them back?
- If I put more than one plotscript into one file, how do I make only one at a time begin when I need it?
- If statement has 2 conditions. It should have only one. Use and and or for complex conditions
- In a plotscript, how does it know which NPC 2 to use, if there's a new list of NPCs for every map?
- Is it possible for the game to know if you ran from the last battle and do something about it?
- Is it possible to put two NPCs on the same X,Y position with Plotscripting?
- Is it possible to use Variables in place of (i.e., use them in the same fashion as) tags?
- Is there a limit to how big a plotscript can be?
- Is there a way to enable NPCs to walk through each other?
- Ways to refer to a hero in a script
- What are all the ways to trigger a script?
- What are HamsterSpeak flow control commands?
- What are the differences between a variable and a global variable?
- What are the differences between the "wait for key" command and the "key is pressed" command?
- What are the differences between the "wait for key" command and the "wait for scancode" command?
- What are the differences between the "walk hero " command and "walk to X/Y" command?
- What are the RGB values for the different colors?
- What is a constant and how do I use it?
- What is a good RGB value for a "Night Time Effect" when using the tweak palette plotscript command?
- What is a script argument for?
- What is a script/plotscript and how do I write them?
- What is a string and how do I use it?
- What is a variable?
- What is a while loop and how do I make it?
- What is the 3rd Party HSI?
- What is the set hero Z command, and how do I correctly use it?
- What should I do if my script has bugs?
- What stats does an inn restore?
- When I compile my script it says that stat:hp is not a valid name, but it is in my hsi file! Can anyone tell me what is going on?
- When I drag my HS file onto HSPEAK, I get an error message not related to my actual code. What am I doing wrong?
- When should I use strings?
- When will BattleScripting be added to the OHRRPGCE?