How do I make emoticons?

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Emoticons can be used to reflect the emotions of the heroes (and friend and or town people) by displaying a little icon over a hero or npc.

Here is how you should proceed. Go into Custom.exe. Draw a walkabout that represents a bubble with an ? or an ! in it. Copy and paste the image across the eight slots of the npc. Edit a map on which you want to use emoticons and pick one free npc, setting it to the correct walkabout graphics. Then, escape to the main menu and save your rpg.

Edit your hss file and in your script include the following code. This example script uses NPC 18 as an emoticon:

create npc (18, heroX(0), heroY (0)--1, east)
wait (10)
destroy npc (18)

When you create your emoticon you can save up some space by using directions, one image per direction:

E.g.: Npc picture set 15 (palette 45)

  • south bubble with an ! in it (= the character is surprised)
  • east bubble with an ? in it (= the character wonders something)
  • north bubble with an little heart in it (= the character is in love/ attracted)
  • west bubble with a little twist (= the character is disappointed and makes it known)

Copy each image across both frames for that direction. (Or you can save even more space by putting a different image in each frame and using set NPC frame.)