Will you ever update the map editor?

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Certain developers have threatened to add Mouse Support. No specific plans have been started.

We welcome any suggestions for improvements to the map editor interface. Current suggestions include placing multiple tiles at once (bug 250) and the abilty to type in x and y coordinates (bug 114)

Feature requests like larger tiles are unlikely to happen because of backwards compatibility with existing games.

Larger tilesets, more passability bits and more than 255 available formation sets would require more than one byte of data per tile on the tilemaps. This might be feasible given enough workarounds and ugly code. Larger tilesets would also require a changes to the graphics code, and other editor overhauls.

Longer tile animation patterns is feasible. More than 2 patterns is not possible due to the way tiles are animated. If you want to do some complex patterns, plotscripting a pattern with set tile animation offset might be possible.