Talk:Will you ever update the map editor?

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Kizul: Hmm, what about seperate editing modes in the 'Draw Maptiles' thing? One where you can edit the tiles in the normal 20×20 whole-tile mode, and one in a quarter-tile mode (the tiles wouldn't be shrunk, you'd just only be able to edit one quarter of the tile at a time) — also (maybe) allowing you to place quarter-tiles on the map itself? It'd make tiles for things like the corners on a pathway easier to place, plus you'd only need one tile for all the corners. :D

 Draw Tiles (Normal Tile Mode)
 Draw Tiles (Quarter Tile Mode)
 Cut Tiles
 Set Default Passability
 Define Tile Animation

I dunno, it's just a thought. :)

Bloodblade: good idea,Kizul...but,wouldn't animating tiles be a bit harder to do?And it would be tough (im sure) for the developers to even make it possible for you to animate 5x5 out of 20x20...without the cammands interfering with the 20x20,that is unless you had two animation editors...then placing the animation would be the end,quarter-tiles,can't (easily) be done.

S'orlok Reaves: About quarter-tiles: RPG Maker's solution is to have a 3x4 grid, such that:

 A B C
 D E F
 G H I
 J K L
 ...DEFGIJKL define exterior corners, say sand+grass, making a big square "O" in shape.
 H defines a full tile of this type (sand)
 A is just a picture of what the tile will look like in the map editor, for reference.
 C defines the interior corners. It would look like a full square of grass, with four tiny "bites" taken out of its corners via sand.
 B is unused (I think).

S'orlok Reaves: The whole point to this is that the chopping into quarters of each tile happens at runtime, so each tile RETAINS _semantics_. Note: retains. That is to say, a "sand" tile is still a "sand" tile, not 3 sand quarters and one grass quarter. Also note the way the editor works with these tiles:

 - selecting a tile and then placing it (clicking) places a "sand" tile which interacts with surrounding tiles of that type.
 - selecting a tile and holding SHIFT then placing it (click) places tile H (just sand) for, say, map edges.

FYI: Animations are handled by defining three sets of A-L tiles which corellate to one "water" tile. The animations are simply cycled through. PS: Sorry for the long description, but just thought those not familiar with RPG Maker would enjoy knowing about this. It's a fairly simply system.