Hamster Republic

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A Hamster Republic History Lesson[edit]

The Hamster Republic was founded in the early 1990's when a group of revolutionary Hamsters and forward-thinking hamster-supporting Humans declared independence, and seceded to form a new nation dedicated to the notion that all the world's problems are more manageable when looked at from a hamsterey point of view.


The Hamster Republic is a Hamsterocracy, the first in the world, and still the premier example of a functioning Hamsterocratic government, as outlined in Bob the Hamster's visionary book; The Hamster Manifesto (Self published, out of print). The Hamster Republic is ruled by a triumverate of Grand Ninja Hamster Delegates and one Smeppy Troll Enforcer.

Founders and Heroes[edit]

The current Grand Ninja Hamster Delegate-Judiciary of the Hamster Republic is James (deceased). For many years, James was a friend and confidant of Bob the Hamster, and served as a cornerstone of the Judiciary branch of the Hamster Republic's government, until 1997, when he died in an unfortunate marshmellow toasting accident. His loss is mourned greatly, and he has not been replaced. During the extended period of mouring, in which it would be inappropriate to appoint a new Grand Ninja Hamster Delegate-Judiciary, the honorable Mr. the Hamster has benevolently offered to serve the citizens of the Hamster Republic in his stead, in a temporary capacity.

The current Grand Ninja Hamster Delegate-Executive of the Hamster Republic is Brian (missing in action, presumed dead). Brian was a strong moving force in the early days of the Hamsterization Revolution, until he was captured on the front lines in a battle with the Separtist Weiner Dog Liberation Army. He is survived by his widow Stephanie, and three beloved children (and one non-beloved child). No-one could have served the Hamster Republic better than he, which is why his position as Delegate-Executive has not been filled to this day. His executive duties are selflessly carried on by the humble Mr. the Hamster.

The current Grand Ninja Hamster Delegate-Legislative of the Hamster Republic is Julie (in exile). Always a contrary mind, the Delegate-Legislative was an important moderating force in the development of the Hamster Republic. Always a voice of reason, always the first to question the more controvertial aspects of the Revolution, Julie served the Hamster Republic well for many years; a human catalyst for the sort of social debate that makes any living government strong. Julie has recently gone into self-imposed exile, in protest against the constitutional amendment banning the consumption of Quiche by citizens of the Hamster Republic, saying "Why do you want to make a stupid rule like that?". Mr. the Hamster has temporaraly taken it upon himself to fulfil Julie's Legislative duties without pay, while her seat in the government remains unfilled, in the hopes that one day she will return voluntarily to fill it.

The current Smeppy Troll Enforcer of the Hamster Republic is Andrew. To the best of our knowledge, Andrew is still alive and well (and smeppy), but as his duties as Smeppy Troll Enforcer are are deliberately left vague in his government charter, it is impossible to say whether or not he is properly fufilling them. He seems to spend most of his time these days watching movies, so we are going to give him the benefit of the doubt that is what he is supposed to be doing.

The revolution, also known as The Great Hamsterization Movement was founded and guided by the beloved hero, Bob the Hamster (may he live a thousand years!) Though he has humbly declined a position of leadership in the glorious government of the Hamster Republic, he is always there, as our inspiration, our friend, our founder.

See Also[edit]