Game:Bomberman: Race for the Championship/walkthrough

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Hello, I am Nintendork, creator of Bomberman: Race for the Championship, and I decided to create a mini-walkthrough for the game exlusively for the Hamster Republic wiki.


You will start out waking up, awaken by your pal Pommy who is reminding you to go to the race. However, before you go, you may want to go up to your fridge and hit the action button. There is a free medicine in the fridge! However, if you try again, you will not be able to get any more, so use it wisely. Walk around the house more to see some neat, Bomberman-related stuff.

After you walk out, you will be on the world map screen and walk to the first area of the game. However, before actually going to area 1, you'll meet up with Max, and you'll end up in the racers only room. Here, you can just relax a little bit before the race and meet the other Bombermen you'll be racing with. Exit, and you and your fellow Bombermen will start the race... however, a mysterious person to the southwest seems to want to ruin your plans... after this, you will see a little character introduction, and then the race officially begins!

Area 1[edit]

You will soon arrive in area 1, the town known as Alpha. You will have 10 coins to spend, so I suggest you go to the store and purchase one medicine (3 coins) and one save potion (7 coins). If you ever need to come back and rest at the hotel, you can stay for the cheap price of 5 coins (before just deciding to wait for the next town to rest, keep in mind it gets more expensive as you go). When you're done viewing the scenic Alpha, then you should go on to area 1 (just follow the path).

You will arrive in a huge grass field. You will encounter one type of enemy: Balloms. Don't worry, they are weak, and unless your hit points are low, you're good to go. Near the south there is a save palace, a nice little place where you can save. But be warned, DO NOT talk to Max until you have gained a couple of levels (I recommend level three or higher, you learn a more powerful bomb, "Pump Bomb" at level two). The enemies in the next area are tough. Once you're done leveling, go to the save palace and save (assuming you want to), and then- I cannot stress this enough- put Bomberman at the beginning of your party. If you do not, you WILL be stuck. After that, talk to Max, and he will take Pommy. On the ocean floor, I suggest you not go south when you can first choose two different directions, as there is nothing down there except a huge blank space. Instead, go east, and you will find aqua bombs on the ocean floor. Pick them up. For most of the enemies down here, I suggest you use pump bombs and aqua bombs (don't worry, I never put in weakness/resistances so no enemies will be resistant to it), as these enemies are powerful, especially Bupples. Eventually you'll get to a very long path of arrows pointing to east. Just follow these painfully long arrows and you will get to the exit, see Max, and retrieve Pommy. Now on to area 2...

Area 2[edit]

Area 2 was modeled off the older Bomberman games, entitled "Retro Land." Here, you can purchase everything you could in area 1 for the same price, but you can also buy "metal gloves." These gloves improve your defense, and are only equippable by Bomberman and a character you will meet in later. You should get one, and you can get another one for the character you meet later, however, by the time you get him you don't fight anyone else, so it's only for looks for him. Medicines and save potions all depend on what money you have, but after getting the metal gloves, they're the only two things you really need to buy, so you might as well spend all your money on that. Also, you can talk to the people who live in Retro Land... and someone points out that the black Bomberman is ahead of you! You'd better go to the door on the right if you want to beat him!

After entering that door and walking about, you will notice two familiar enemies (who are familiar in two ways- in that they're from the NES Bomberman, and you've encountered them before in this game)- Balloms and Onils. They should be easily beatable by this point, however, you will need to beat a lot of them before going on. Once you've gotten to about level five or higher, start to go down and to your right. You may end up seeing a door at the end, however, for some odd reason, you can't go through it. Remember the NES Bomberman when you had to defeat all the on-screen enemies before proceeding? Well, that's exactly what you have to do here- but where are they? If you wander around a bit more, you will (or may already have if you found him before the door) encounter the NES Bomberman- and it seems HE wants to be in all the new Bomberman games! Use all your pump bombs and aqua bombs on this guy, as he has a lot of hit points (although he isn't that strong in many other aspects). Beat him, and proceed through that door to the southeast.

You will start the mini-game Bomb-Man! The instructions for it will appear as soon as you enter the room. Get past those Pac-Men (should be easy after a few attempts), and find the door, which is around the middle of the far-east edge of the map. Go through it and you've won! Now on to area 3...

Area 3[edit]

After all that meaningless work, why don't you take a nice break on a blimp? After Bomb-Man, the whole gang will join you on the air ship, and you can have some flying fun! Have some cream soda or go talk to girls who can't say their Ws! If you go to a bed, Bomberman will claim he is not tired yet... what you need to do is find out a way to get him to sleep, or else the ride will be long and boring (oh, and don't take that literally, because if he doesn't sleep, you literally will never get there). What you have to do is talk to some people on the plane, and eventually you'll meet Ninja Bomberman! Once you do, you can rest and get to area 3. Oh, and if you really miss Bomb-Man...

Area 3 is modeled after the first area to a game I was making called Construction Worker. Anyways, go talk to some NPCs, buy some stuff from the store, sleep at the guys house, and after that, you will see some guy in the water on a boat. Talk to him, and he will offer you a ride. Hit the action button, and the text box goes away, but... nothing happens! Sorry, but that's all that was ever completed for the game!

Final Word[edit]

I know, the game's barely anything, but just to complete this whole wiki page thing I made a guide. Have fun, and may the force be with you!