Game:Bomberman: Race for the Championship/secrets

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Go to the fridge in Bomberman's house at the beginning of the game to recieve a free small medicine. You can only do this once.

Selling items[edit]

You can sell an item for the same price you can purchase it at. This is useful, because if you get an item off an enemy you can sell it for a lot of gold.

Get stuck[edit]

Before going to the Bomber Marine area, put Bomberman in any position other than the front of your party. If you do, and talk to Max to go to the Bomber Marine area, he will be stuck (for some reason, he is half on one tile and half on another).

Play Bomb-Man again[edit]

In the blimp, there will be a set of stairs going down. Use it, and you will be in an arcade. Two of the machines are currently being used, however, there is a third machine that is available. Go up to it and hit the action button, and a message will ask if you would like to play Bomb-Man. Say "Yes" and you will be able to play the mini-game again. Please note: you will not be able to exit the game until you win.