Where can I find music?
The current version of the OHRRPGCE supports MIDI, BAM, MP3, OGG, and the tracker formats MOD, XM, IT and S3M. (See Supported music formats for more information.)
- Free Music is a collection of free songs here on this wiki. These songs are included with OHRRPGCE releases.
- Castle Paradox Song List also has many songs, but be sure to check and make sure you have permission before using them. Some are free to use and some are not.
- Entries tagged free music or resources on the Slime Salad gamelist
Other Sites[edit]
- CCMixter has a directory of creative-commons music that is free to use in games
- Mutopia Lots of free public domain classical midi files
- The Mod Archive has a huge collection of module music. You can search the creative-commons and public domain categories