User talk:Scardpoopoo

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Can I edit the counter stat so it's just like Mp and it can be used to do attacks and I can set how much of it you have to use?

Jessica: You mean stats, yeah? There's always the "counter" stat, that doesn't do anything so as far as I know you can just use it as an extra stat. I don't think you can add to the list of stats though.

Bob the Hamster: No, sorry, there is not currently any good way to use another stat in the same way that you use MP.

Dorumagesu There is a way like Dragon Warrior 7, that you can make it something like "coolness". You can raise or lower this by the itmes you choose to equip.

Bloodblade: Scard,what's the URL of a freewebs page?Im planning on posting my page on my wiki page,but can't get the right URL. My games n' Stuff is the URL I have been using.

James Paige: When you want to sign your username on a talk page, just type ~~~ and it will be automatically converted into [[User:Username|Username]]

Scardpoopoo Man, I really need work on drawing.

The Mad Cacti: Answers to questions:

  • Is there a law that I have to have a read me?
  • I hope you're only asking to move things between your own RPG files. Moving data from one RPG to another is tricky. People who understand the internals of the RPG Format could copy lumps.
    • To move graphics, export them from the first RPG with ohrgfx, and import into the second
    • To move music, open the first game in custom, then go into the WORKING.TMP folder and copy out all the .mid, .ogg, etc files to a temporary folder and reimport them into the second.
    • If you want to move all of your attacks, or all of your walkabout graphics or something like that, I can give you simple instructions
    • Otherwise, moving things isn't really possible.

Bob the Hamster: Exporting music is easy. The current versions have an "export music" option in the "Import Music" menu. The thing that The Mad Cacti was saying about the WORKING.TMP folder only applies to older versions of custom.

The Mad Cacti: Heh! I completely forgot about that.

Scardpoopoo Well that should help. Thanks!

Bob the Hamster: There is a list of Graphics Utilities. I like The Gimp best myself, but others are good too.