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Hello, I'm just a normal user of the OHRRPGCE (depends on how you define "normal"), currently working on three projects.

Wait, you expected more on this page? Meh, means I have to come up with more to write...

Theoretical Summoning[edit]

Now that the new version can transform creatures into other creatures, this could theoretically be used to make summoning attacks that actually summons a creature that stays on the battlefield! Though this depends that you have only seven creatures on the battlefield (even less depending on how many creatures that can be summoned at the same time).

First of all, in every battle formation*, include a special "BlankSummon" creature in the eighth slot**, without any graphics. Set all stats to their current caps, give it no attacks, and turn on the bitsets Win Battle even if Alive (So it doesn't prevent victory) and Ignored for "Alone" AI (So creatures that rely on "Alone" type attacks actually use them).

Now, and this is important, all attacks that aren't summoning attacks needs to have the bitset Cannot target enemy slot 7***. This prevents anyone from attacking the creature.****

Now, to the interesting part: The creature itself. The summoned creature is created just like any other enemy, except its attacks target the monsters and any buffs it has target the heroes. Give it hit points, stats (but no drops!) etc. After this, you have to make a summon attack, which specifically targets creatures in the summon slot. This should deal (and show) no damage, but could have a neat summoning animation. Now, under the Transmogrification menu, set Enemy target becomes to the creature you created, and Health/Stats to Restore to new max. Give the summoning attack to a hero and now you have your summoned creatures!

However, do note that all of this is only theoretical, and hasn't actually been tried yet. If someone could actually test this, it would make an evil man happy. Thanks in advance!

* Or not! Certain fights could have a summoning restriction!

** It doesn't have to be the eighth slot, but it has to be a specific one for every formation.

*** Again, this depends on which slot has the summoned creature. Remember, the first slot is slot 0.

**** Variation: Give the BlankSummon the Untargetable by Enemies bitset and give enemies attacks that can only target enemies in the summon slot. This makes enemies being able to attack the summoned creatures!