User:Bob the Hamster/HeartBugs 2010

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This is where I will be keeping track of which bugfixes and features people have requested for the Heart Of The OHR Contest

Author/Team Game Request Status Failure Bounty
JSH357 Motrya 25% bug 805 Option to make hero battle menus wait for any current attack animation to finish before opening Done! $15
msw188 Tales of the New World 2 bug 497 Bitset to disable item command in battle Easy (should probably be done by making the hero battle menu editable) $20 (payed)
Twinconclusive  ? no game entered $0 (too late)
Mogri DYWTBAH? bug 535 Item plotscripting commands game missed deadline (but somebody else asked for the same thing) $18
Baconlabs Viridia bug 319 - attacks that can target bitsets, allowing elemental protection and things to occur mid-battle feasible (should probably be done with Plan for stat buffs) $15 (payed)
Hachi Be still my beating heart.rpg no game entered $0 (too late)
Sh4d0ws Lightning Heroes convenient multi-file import of backdrops no game entered $10
TwirlySocrates Saminaster & Sorcery This contest is totally awesome!!! no game entered $0 (too late)
Spoonweaver Legendary Heroes Increase number of NPC definitions allowed per map to 500 or more. Done! $15
SecondThought  ? no game entered $0 (too late)
Lord Fyroa Yo Ghost no game entered $0 (too late)
G-Wreck Syzygy bug 406: Spell List Tags no game entered (will still happen eventually with Plan for improved spell learning) $15
addes3  ? no game entered $0 (too late)
NeoSpade (Withdrew from contest) fix Jump/Land chain being canceled (and leaving the hero in the air) if their target is killed before they finish the chain no game entered N/A
Fenrir-Lunaris Vikings of Midgard (Zoidberg update) elemental bitsets increased to 16 (or 32) (or more?) tricky, but feasible (see also Plan for more flexible elementals) $10
FnrrfYgmSchnish Okédoké bug 319 attacks that can target bitsets, allowing elemental protection and things to occur mid-battle feasible (same as Baconlabs request) $15 (payed)
shakeyair Mario Fangame? 'on menu open' plotscript no game entered $18
Mystic Skyfall bug 535: Item plotscripting commands (esp. "get item life bonus") pretty easy $18 (payed)
RMSephy Angel Whispers Death animations on sprite slices outside of battle no game entered $10
J_Taylor  ? Importing uncompiled scripts automatically sends them to be compiled. (And imports them.) no game entered $10
NayusDante Eternity Fragment Prelude $0 (too late)
satyrisci/guo Apophenia Demo $0 (too late)
Ronin Catholic Maces Wild Use focused ring animation on multiple targets or spread ring animation on single targets no game entered $0 (too late)
TheCube Kitty plotscripting command to use an item, just like you used it from the menu (subset of Mogri's request) Done $0 (too late)
Chronoboy Chronoboy Adventures $0 (too late)

Color Key[edit]

DONE Eligible Not Eligible


Total amount James still owes $10 to Fenrir-Lunaris