Talk:Temporarily Fusing Heros

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Seth O. Any comments so far?

Mike C.: Yes. Please don't copy straight from Microsoft Word to here, especially if it's hard-formatted to include line breaks and indentation. As you can see, it made a real mess of your page.

Seth O. But... I didn't copy from MS Word... hmmm.... Sorry either way...

Inferior Minion: Mike was referring to your formatting. By inserting a space before the first word in a line (I'm assuming you were trying to indent), it added that dashed box around your text. You attempted to fix this issue by inserting line breaks which made the paragraphs look uneven, while leaving the first sentence bound by the dashed box. You should familiarize yourself with Wiki Editing and Markup to improve the layout of your pages.

Bob the Hamster: For this article to be at all useful, it needs to include complete example plotscripts.

Seth O. I understand what I did wrong, thanks. Would it be alright to make a small tutorial game for people to practice using the plotscripts I post, so they have an un-needed game they can screw with like the tutorials that come with the Creation Engine download. Thus making it easyer to understand my tutorial? If so, could I post a link to it, so people can get their hands on it, and use it with my fusion tutorial?

Bob the Hamster: I have no objection to that. Some of the other tutorials do the same thing with sample.rpg and npc_tag.rpg

Seth O.Im working on it as much as I can. I hope to get it out as soon as I can.
