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Mike: So... If a string is stored as 1 field (1 header byte + 10 content bytes), does it take up the 11 bytes, or does it take up the other 22 bytes? And, if a string is longer than the 10 characters, are there other headers at offsets 11 and 22? I'm confused...

NeoTA: Whoa, didn't spot this until now!

1-width field takes up 1 field size (11 bytes), 2-width field takes up 22, .... I think there are headers at 11 and 22 in a 3-width field, and they are meaningless. (ditto for 2-width) This format is like a fixed-length-variable-length record based format, it's on the same level of confusing as self-modifying code. It would actually be pretty easy to reverse-engineer, if only the extra characters were zeroed instead of full of junk.

Since this file is basically a translation catalog, like .po with numerical instead of string ids, a sane version of this could be a good application for RELOAD.

NeoTA: Aside from tablizing this, we need to mark context for some strings, as they are repeated. I've made a start on this, but I want to add the defaults listed in OHRRPGCE.NEW before adding it here.