- I had to switch from wiki tables to html table syntax because I couldn't figure out a wiki way to do rowspan.
- I still plan on adding detail about the contents of the conditionals and appearance blocks.
- I am also worried about the fact that the conditionals data is not integer-aligned. I definitely don't remember doing it that way, but when I check the code, offset 305 is the offset that is actually being used. I wrote this info by looking at the source code, but it is such a mess that I would appreciate it if someone could double-check my work by viewing a real .SAY lump in a hex editor or something.
About Formal Specs: There's an example of the wiki style tables there, with colspan and everything. Rowspan is put in the same way:
Stuff | 'n | such |
This is a large box | pushed over! | |
I'm pushed too! | ||
Regular row here... | As shown by | this |
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" | Stuff || 'n || such |- | rowspan="2" colspan="2" | This is a large box || pushed over! |- | I'm pushed too! |- | Regular row here... || As shown by || this |}
NeoTA: Does anyone understand '173 INTs + 1 BYTE' next to 'Reserved'?
It should definitely be changed to something more clear, but I haven't been able to figure out what is correct, what the actual correct amount and units are. Maybe digging in the page history will help...
.. oh wait, I understand that now.. I think maybe a notation like 173.5 INTS might be clearer.
S'orlok Reaves: If an int is 2 bytes, then I'd say 347 BYTES is clearer. Although, I'd rather see: INT x173 + BYTE x1, or, on separate lines:
INT x173
...although, this is hardly my area of expertise.