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Bob the Hamster 10:50, 5 July 2006 (PDT): This doesn't need to be in the br: namespace. Although we have been using the menu: and game: namepsaces like categories in which to put ALL articles of a topic, the real purpose of a namespace is to avoid naming conflicts. The br: namespace only needs to be used when the Brazilian Portuguese title and the English title of an article happen to be exactly the same. This would be true of any other language namespaces we might add in the future.

Mike C. I was under the impression that we would use the language namespace(s) for alternate language translations. Thus, [En:]Whats new == Br:Novidade (except in a different language).

I don't particularly care one way or another, but I have my search defaults set to not search Br: (since I can't understand them), but Novidade shows up anyway (that's how I found it, to move it). So... yeah.

ohr.brazilian.traductor: Sorry by the conflicts. I don´t think that is necessary to add a br: before each title because the difference of the names, but if this will help, i can rename all the sections (or at least that´s in the documentation page).

Bob the Hamster: You only need to put pages in the br: namespace on the occasion where the english and brazilian pages would have the same name.