Talk:How do I use precise weapon placement?

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The Geek: How are you supposed to use precise weapon placement? I've set the hero's hand x and y positions and the handle position for the weapon item [for both frames for each] but it doesn't work... yes, if you're wondering, in the item properties, the handle x and y entry lines are both grey (although that doesn't stop me from changing them). Help!

Mike: Well, I'll write an article for it now, but in short, weapon placement only apply to weapons.

The Geek: But the item I'm trying to do this to is a weapon... or am I missing something here? :'(

Mike: Hmm... Well, are the Weapon Picture and Weapon Palette options grey? They too are weapon-only fields.

The Geek: No they're not, and the weapon picture and palette are both set.

Mike: I figured it out. A huge blunder on my part. Anyway, get the latest nightly to fix it. ;_;

The Geek: Thanks for all the help and will do :) Now I just got to *wince* download 7 megs on a 56Kb Internet connection... Edit: Ooh, it's only 3.3 megs... how nice... I guess I was thinking of the source code.

The Geek: Downloaded the nightly, and while the x/y pos. selectors for the weapon are no longer greyed out, it still doesn't do anything.

Chenzi: Using the nightly from 11/5/08. I noticed that weapons are drawn underneath heros... Is that intentional? If so, it's really irritating.