Talk:How do I make heroes and npcs invisible?

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Mike C. Oh my god... My simple little article transformed into... this.

Bis_senchi, there is a difference between making an NPC invisible and "turning off" an NPC altogether. The former (invisible) has a blank sprite, but can still be activated. The latter can't do anything at all, because it doesn't exist.

Bis_senchi: So? I took me nearly 15 minutes to write it! Isn't this article a complete one? ("A bit" too much complex may be)

Mike C. What I'm saying is that you added incorrect information, and made an article 5 times as long as it needed to be.

Bis_senchi: Sorry about that. May be, I can try to make corrections... What are the incorrect informations?

Mike C. Look familiar? Yes, it's the original article I wrote with an example. It is not necessary to go on at length about 6 different ways of doing something, with 30 different example scripts. It is also unnecessary to rewrite the dictionary. If people need more information about a command, they can look it up via the handy link.

Finally, I hate to say it (not really), but your grammar is not the best in the world. I understand that you're not english, and that's fine. But, this is an english language wiki, and we need it to be readable to as much of our audience as possible.