TMC: I think it would be easier to have all the data from .DT6 and ATTACK.BIN on one page, and just refer ATTACK.BIN to here as the data is always refered to continously in the source, and theres a string split halfway between the two files.
Bob: I agree. That sounds reasonable.
NeoTA: What sleep-deprived madness induced the idea that 100 INTs == 218 bytes? fixed. Is there some way to make UNUSED slots more visible? I completely missed one when coding attack import, so everything got offset. Even 64 bitsets seems excessive. I hope that when a 32bit platform becomes 'default', some of the less 'bitset-ish' bitsets can be translated into battle scripting.
Mike: Er, that was me. At one point, for about half an hour, I was planning to expand the attack data. I even updated the wiki page. But, then I realized that a string with 38 characters does not take up 38 INTs. I fixed everything else, but I missed that.
As for the bitsets, it's better to have more than less. Either way, the bitsets are permanent, since even in the future when we have BS (note the capitals, to distinguish from bs), we still need (and want) to support them for older games.
Mike C.: That was me. Since I formatted my PC, I haven't logged in to the wiki... Dur.
preferred targets[edit]
Bob the Hamster: I have just defined some data for preferred targets. Clean-up of the targetting system in the battle code motivated me to do this. For heroes this will be no big deal. It just determines where your battle cursor defaults. For enemies however, this allows you to make smarter enemy ai, such as enemies who target the strongest hero, or enemies that cure their weakest ally instead of a random ally.
NeoTA: "The first 40 INTs are stored in .DT6, the next 61 INTs are stored in ATTACK.BIN. " Wait, does this mean that a small part of the caption data is in DT6 and the remainder in ATTACK.BIN? It'd improve clarity if we mentioned that (in my untested calculations, the 'length' INT plus the first 4 characters are held in DT6. A quick venture with a hex editor confirms this.)
Bob the Hamster: huh, yeah, you are right. The caption is split. I had forgotten. The file splitting is encapsulated in the loadattackdata() and saveattackdata() code, so we don't normally have to think about the split file.