Proposed file format for storing information about stats. See also: Plan for more flexible stats
- stats - root node
- stat int - one node for each stat, value is id number
- name string - name of the stat
- after_battle int - 0 = zero after battle, 1 = restore to max after battle (this would be an enum in the editor editor)
- before_battle int - 0 = zero before battle, 1 = restore to max before battle
- inn int - 0 = zero when sleeping at an inn, 1 = restore to max when sleeping at an inn
- show_status - if this node is present, the stat is displayed on the status screen
- death_on_zero - if this node is present the hero or enemy dies when this stat is zero
- display_mode - 0=display as a number, 1=display as a meter, 2=display as a percent of max
- editor_max int - max value that can be assigned to this stat in the editor
- stat int - one node for each stat, value is id number