Scripts:Teaching spells through equipment

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This script allows a hero to learn a spell by equipping an item but also the hero forgets the spell if the hero removes the item. Make sure that you set this script as your new-game plotscript and load-game plotscript or that it is called by a script that is set as either of those already.


plotscript, somebody wears a spell charm, begin
  variable (Hero A,Hero B,Hero C,Hero D,Equipment,Spell) #I'm using these variables so it's 
                                                         #easier to understand when reading it.
  set variable (Hero A, 0)
  set variable (Hero B, 1)
  set variable (Hero C, 2)
  set variable (Hero D, 3)
  set variable (Equipment,item:spelchrm) #Use the item's name as defined by your game's .HSI
  set variable (Spell,atk:Firaga) #Use the spell's name as defined by your game's .HSI
   while (true) do,begin 
   wait (1)
     if ((check equipment (Hero A,5))==Equipment) #In this example the script is checking if 
                                                  #the item spelchrm is being equipped by the first hero in his accessory
                                                  #slot (or the last slot 
                                                  #on the equip screen).  Be sure to change the 5 to another number to suit
                                                  #your needs.
       then, begin
         teach spell (Hero A,Spell)
       else, begin
         forget spell (Hero A,Spell)
     if ((check equipment (Hero B,5))==Equipment) #Now just repeat the first part for each of the other heroes.
       then, begin
         teach spell (Hero B,Spell)
       else, begin
         forget spell (Hero B,Spell)
     if ((check equipment (Hero C,5))==Equipment)
       then, begin
         teach spell (Hero C,Spell)
       else, begin
         forget spell (Hero C,Spell)
     if ((check equipment (Hero D,5))==Equipment)
       then, begin
         teach spell (Hero D,Spell)
       else, begin
         forget spell (Hero D,Spell)

#Make sure that your heroes have the capacity to learn the spell by setting it as "Learned 
#from item" on their spell list.  Otherwise they won't learn it.
#There is a minor issue: This script won't work unless the player exits all the menus and 
#takes a step.  It's pretty minor but it may irk the player that the spell doesn't exist 
#immediately.  You can probably solve this with a text box.