This article discusses a brand new feature which is not included in the latest stable version, and may not even be in the next stable version. It can, however, be found in a nightly build, which can be found on the Downloads page. If you wish to discuss this feature, feel free to use the talk page.
items.reld is a RELOAD format lump that stores item definitions.
This is a proposed format intended to replace the ITM lump. It is not in use yet.
- items - this is the root node
- item int - One node for each item. The int value is the item's ID number.
- name string - the name of the item. (This is currently limited to 8 chars, but could be expanded in the future)
- info string - description of the item (Currently limited to 36 chars, could be expanded.)
- buy_price int - default buy price. (Stores can override)
- sell_price int - default sell price. (Stores can override) If this node is missing, it defaults to 50% of the default buy price.
- max_stack int - maximum stack size 1-99 or zero for default
- item_in_battle - Action when used from the item menu inside battle.
- attack int - attack ID. If node is not present, then is not usable in battle.
- item_outside_battle - Action when used from the menu outside of battle. Only allow one child node.
- cure_attack int - attack ID. Cure attack to use outside-of-battle. Not actually required to be a cure attack. Damage attacks work too.
- teach_spell int - attack ID. When used as an item, attempt to teach this spell to a hero.
- text_box int - box ID number of a textbox to display. (the menu will be closed first)
- weapon - container node for when the item is wielded as a weapon.
- attack int - attack ID. If node is not present, default to attack ID 0 #Weapon Note
- pic int - weapon picture sprite ID number.
- pal int - weapon picture palette. If this node is not present, use the default palette.
- handle_a - node containing handle offset data for attack frame A
- x int - x offset of handle
- y int - y offset of handle
- handle_b - node containing handle offset data for attack frame B
- x int - x offset of handle
- y int - y offset of handle
- equip_slots - container node for data about which slot(s) this item can be equipped in
- slot int - one node for each slot that the item can be equipped in. The int is the slot number 0-4. An item that cannot be equipped will not have any slot nodes.
- equip_by - container node for data bout which heroes are allowed to equip this item
- hero int - zero or more nodes for heroes that can equip this item. The int value is the hero ID number.
- stat_bonuses - container node for stat bonuses
- stat int - One node for each stat that has a bonus. int value is the stat number 0-11. Stats that have no node have no bonus.
- bonus int - bonus value. can be positive or negative.
- stat int - One node for each stat that has a bonus. int value is the stat number 0-11. Stats that have no node have no bonus.
- elemental_resist - container node for elemental resistances (and weaknesses, absorbs)
- element int - zero or more nodes for elemental resistances. The int value is the element ID number. If an element has no node, it defaults to 1.0
- damage double - damage taken from this element. 1.0 = 100% = normal.
- element int - zero or more nodes for elemental resistances. The int value is the element ID number. If an element has no node, it defaults to 1.0
- consumed_by_use - If this node is true, using this item from the items menu consumes it.
- no_discard - If this node is true, the item cannot be thrown away.
- no_sell - If this node is true, the item cannot be sold to shops.
- tags - contains tags automatically set by this item.
- own_item int - tag to turn ON if you own at least one copy of this item.
- in_inventory int - tag to turn ON if you have at least one copy of this item in your inventory
- is_equipped int - tag to turn ON if you have this item equipped to any hero, (including reserve and locked heroes)
- is_equipped_by_active_hero int - tag to turn ON if you have this item equipped to any hero in the active party.
- item int - One node for each item. The int value is the item's ID number.
Weapon Note[edit]
If an item does not have a weapon attack, it makes sense that it should not be possible to equip it as a weapon. However, if an item is a hero's default weapon, or has been equipped with the "force equip" plotscripting command, it is possible to have a non-weapon in the weapon slot. A nonweapon in the weapon slot should use attack ID 0. (this is for backcompat because some games actually do this)