How do I customize the keyboard?
There is no built-in feature to customize the keyboard in an OHRRPGCE game. The default controls are:
Arrow Keys | Movement |
Space or Enter or CTRL | Use/Talk |
ESC or ALT | Menu/Cancel |
Hold ESC | Run (battle) |
It is possible to set up your own keyboard controls using plotscripting. You must use the suspend player command and suspend box advance to disable normal keyboard actions, and then create an On-Keypress script that uses the key is pressed command to check what key the player has pressed.
Here is an example script that re-implements the default controls. You can customize it to suit your own needs
plotscript, keypress handler, begin variable (x,y,d,w) w := 3 #wait time between actions if (hero is walking(me) == false) then,begin if (topmenu == false) then,begin if (current text box == -1) then,begin if (key is pressed(Key:Up)) then (walk hero(me, up, 1), exit script) if (key is pressed(Key:Left)) then (walk hero(me, left, 1), exit script) if (key is pressed(Key:Down)) then (walk hero(me, down, 1), exit script) if (key is pressed(Key:Right)) then (walk hero(me, right, 1), exit script) end end if (key is pressed(Key:Space),or,key is pressed(Key:Enter),or,key is pressed(Key:Ctrl)) then,begin if (topmenu == false) then,begin if (current text box == -1) then,begin x := hero X(me) y := hero Y(me) d := hero direction(me) if (d == up) then(decrement(y)) if (d == left) then(decrement(x)) if (d == down) then(increment(y)) if (d == right) then(increment(x)) if (NPC at spot (x,y)) then,begin use NPC(NPC at spot(x,y)) wait (w) exit script end end end if (topmenu) then, begin use menu item(selected menu item) wait (w) exit script end if (current text box >= 0) then,begin advance text box wait (w) exit script end end if (key is pressed(Key:Esc),or,key is pressed(Key:Alt)) then,begin if (top menu == false) then,begin main menu wait (w) exit script end else,begin close menu(top menu) wait (w) exit script end end end end
Caveats: This works in the main menus and all custom menus, but not on any other built in menus. Additionally, due to a bug in the Ypsiliform version, use menu item doesn't work on menu items that close the current menu, though with this script you can close the current menu with the secondary button (the same one that opens it). This has been fixed in the nightly build. Finally, this doesn't work in battle menus, for obvious reasons.