Gentoo Linux Installation Notes
The reason this article has been marked is: This page, and the provided FreeBASIC binary and OHRRPGCE packages, are 10 years out of date. None of this was anywhere near correct or working even 5 years ago!
Gentoo is a Linux metadistribution. All of Gentoo's packages are compiled from scratch, and are therefore optimized with more than generic x86 optimizations. This article will tell you how to install the latest WIP version of the OHRRPGCE on Gentoo Linux. The release version requires FreeBASIC 0.15b to function and it doesn't work very well. In the future, these notes will be for the release version.
First Time Only[edit]
There are a few things that you'll need to do if you've never added the Hamsterrific overlay before. If this page is new to you, then you'll follow all of these directions
emerge layman[edit]
You may already have this package. If you do, skip this step. Otherwise, continue on:
# emerge layman
If this succeeded, type in the following commands:
# echo "source /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf" >> /etc/make.conf
This will tell Portage to look at layman's make.conf as well as the system make.conf. All emerges until you add an overlay to layman will fail. You may want to do the following in case you won't be completing this howto all at once:
# layman -L # mkdir -p /usr/portage/local/layman # touch /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf
Layman is now installed -- you can move on now.
Add Hamsterrific Overlay to Layman[edit]
Edit /etc/layman/layman.cfg with your favorite editor. Find the line that looks like this:
overlays :
And change it to say:
overlays :
(you're only adding the last line)
Save this file and type:
# layman -L
This will update layman's cache (or should; if you don't see "hamsterrific" in the list, try again in a minute).
Add the Hamsterrific Overlay to Portage[edit]
# layman -a hamsterrific
This will get a bunch of stuff from my repository and download it to your computer. This is a Good Thing(TM). After the files complete, move on to "Installing OHRRPGCE".
Returning Users[edit]
If you've already added the overlay and installed layman, you just need to run:
# layman -s hamsterrific
This will synchronize your copy with mine.
Installing OHRRPGCE[edit]
I have split up the OHRRPGCE into two seperate packages: ohrrpgce-custom-wip and ohrrpgce-player-wip. If you want both, you must install both. OHRRPGCE requires FreeBASIC, which I also provide in my overlay. I provide source and binary versions of FreeBASIC; only the binary version actually works with OHRRPGCE (blame FreeBASIC). The virtual package for FreeBASIC automatically picks the binary version of FreeBASIC. If you didn't understand anything I just said, or if you're ready to continue, type:
# emerge ohrrpgce-player-wip
You'll get a message about the package being masked. You should already know how to unmask packages since you're on Gentoo. If not, read the message it spouts out and do what it says. Basically, it amounts to adding lines like this to /etc/portage/package.keywords:
dev-lang/fbc-bin ~x86 games-rpg/ohrrpgce-player-wip ~x86 ... and so on ...
Also, keep in mind that to play games, you must be part of the "games" group. Read the output from the end of the install for more info.
And remember: if you want ohrrpgce-custom-wip, use it in place of ohrrpgce-player-wip in the examples.
Running OHRRPGCE[edit]
Open up your window manager's Run dialog and type /usr/games/bin/ohrrpgce-player-wip (or ohrrpgce-custom-wip). If all is well, it'll work. Otherwise, well, I dunno. Post to the mailing list and I'll see if I can help :).
In the future, I'll create .desktop files so you can start it from your menus.
Getting Updates[edit]
Updating the Overlay[edit]
You'll want to update the overlay when you run emerge --sync. To do this, type:
# layman -s hamsterrific
This will ensure you have the latest version of the package files.
Updating OHRRPGCE[edit]
Re-merge the packages, which will fetch an updated version from svn:
# emerge ohrrpgce-player-wip (or ohrrpgce-custom-wip)
This will update the version you have installed.
Final Notes[edit]
You CAN run both ohrrpgce-custom-wip and ohrrpgce-player-wip at the same time and have them both installed at the same time. It's probably a bad idea to run both simultaneously on the same game though. Also, /usr/games/lib/ohrrpgce/ is writable by root and anyone in the games group. To edit anything, you have to place the files in /usr/games/lib/ohrrpgce/. This will hopefully change in future versions of OHRRPGCE.