Game:Chronoboy Adventures/development

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Development for Chronoboy Adventures first began with remastering the Ultima 6 tileset in OHR. After this, I created a small cutscene, of the Avatar rampaging for food to test out the the tileset.

Staging area[edit]

The staging area was created shortly after the rampaging demo to test out my various scripts to ensure they were bugfree before implementing maps and the actual game using them. It was also during this time, that I developed the storyline and features which will be included in the gameplay.

Intro cutscene[edit]

Believe it or not, the intro was done before any story-based map was ever made. I wanted to ensure that the intro was absolutely perfect in presenting the opening story. This scene was later retouched after the first demo was released.

Labina state[edit]

As soon as the intro was done, I began work on the first state in the game world and built the story into the game. I added sub-quests as I went along creating each area.

Staging demo[edit]

I released the staging demo in the middle of the Labina state development. It was to showcase my scripts and major gameplay features without disclosing any story elements.

Official demo[edit]

This was recently released when I was nearing completion of the Labina state. Overall responses to this demo were positive.