Talk:Will you ever support TTF fonts?

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Kizul 06:43, 7 July 2007 (PDT): Y'know, I was just thinking — since the OHR now runs at 640×400 (which is double the size it was in ye olde QB/DOS days), it would technically be possible now to use fixed-width fonts like, say — Courier New, and have them at 1× size while everything else is 2× — sorta like how the text is in Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari) in relation to the rest of the graphics.

Though… it would definitely have to use fixed-width fonts only - otherwise, what a mess that would be! :X

The Mad Cacti: The OHR only runs at 640x400 by default, it runs at 1x (especially in fullscreen) and 3x zoom as well. So, it may not look that nice at 1x zoom, and it might a rather lot of rewriting and rethinking, but I guess it's not impossible.