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This is the final version
Download: 107 KB Added Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:23 am
Total Download count: 106
Number of reviews: 0
Average Grade: N/A
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This is not a game, but an Excel Spreadsheet to help track stats per level. I did test this, and it worked as far as I could tell (I tried using =floor as it told me in the wiki, but it turned out that =round was more accurate).

Simply enter the stats that you entered for level one as you did in CUSTOM.exe and do the same for level 99 (scroll all the way down there) and it will fill in the rest of the levels for you. If it's being obnoxious and doesn't transfer the "freeze plane" settings to you, then "freeze" cell A4 (the one that says level) so that you can always tell what you're looking at without scrolling.

Keep in mind that if you use equipment that modifies the stats, the stats displayed will not have those adjustments... so if your game has equipment doing major adjustments to the characters stats you may need to figure in that before adjusting enemies stats to the predicted levels.

For your convenience, there is already included a quick XP per level reference, and a column for notes on skills for each character. The default (blank) file has 8 hero slots (those inexperience with MS excel, remember that you can change the names freely as they don't have formulas in them), and I've included an example file that was already filled in for a game I'm not sure if I'm going to continue work on. In the example file, the hero "Mage" used level MP, and those are the levels in which the character gains access to their first spell of that level...

This was made with Excel 2003, so it might work with versions older (maybe not) but it probably will work with newer versions... but you still need MS Excel (or a MS office package that includes it) to use this.

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