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Ziggurats for Red Turtle: EXTREMIST -- Iteration 02, of Mices and Faces
Game is in production
Download: 972 KB Added Mon May 09, 2005 3:40 am
Total Download count: 136
Number of reviews: 0
Average Grade: N/A
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EDIT: cp apparently rejects anything containing an exe, so i'm going to have to upload it elsewhere. sorry, blame IM/CN!

EDIT2: you can download it at:

EDIT3: turned out i just had to put it in a zip cause cp rejects anything not in one.

1. Do not download this if you want to have fun! Only download this if you want to play a really bad early version of ZfRT, are really curious about it, or want to help in its creation by being a playtester / early player. I really only released this because I promised myself I'd release at least some version of ZfRT on Earth Day and I don't like to break promises to myself.

2. This is the first iterative release of ZfRT. It's about 50% done, most of that being the basic engine rather than gameplay elements. I intend to release a new iteration of it every week for about 20-30 weeks, or until satisfaction is reached, each with added features.

3. The design document and source code is included. Not everything in either of those is up to date or makes sense, and a lot of it is older ideas which have been replaced, and a lot of it is written as if the game was already done (mixed tenses). Also I have not included *all* of the design document and source code, I've excluded code that is not yet in the game but may one day be, and really old parts of the design document that are outdated. In total the included design document & source code files are about a MB unzipped. How to tell them apart: design document uses a .zfrt extension, source code a .txt extension, but both are in plain-text format.

4. The portrait graphics and the map graphic are done by Orchard-L. Some basic plotscripting help was done by T-Master. T-Master, Gizmog, Orchard-L, and probabl a half-dozen others helped me in coming up with the idea for the game in its early stages (around spring '04). The Ohrrpgce engine is by the Hamster Republic. TeeEmCee created the battleless alteration of the Ohrrpgce. A tool used in the conversion of text was created by the lj user Perusuprime (sp?***). I did everything else.

5. If you're normally an Ohrrpgce user, do not try to run this game using any other "game.exe" besides the included "zfrt1.exe". It's a custom build of the Ohrrpgce that had the battle system removed, so ZfRT1.rpg will not run under any other game.exe besides the included one.

6. The included source code for TeeEmCee's battleless Ohrrpgce variation is GNU public license. The actual ZfRT hamsterspeak code is under copyright, as is the game itself, its design document, and its graphics.

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